Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Winter Notes from 2008

Just found this note that I had blogged elsewhere from our first winter in our new home of 2008, and with this oncoming winter, I thought it would be interesting to add it, and then compare where I am at 2 years later. Progress? Guess we'll see!!

An eventful fall/summer/year. My stepdaughter survived, quite eloquently, I'll add, the year anniversary of her dearly beloved mom's untimely passing. She is an unexpected gift in our life, more than we could've imagined. My son is doing better than even he expected this semester, and you know, school is hard for him, but he keeps plugging. We have great kids. They are battling back against all odds and we are so proud to see them standing tall.
Our grandson is a bright light in this world. His spirit and integrity is beyond comprehension. He is nothing more or less than joy. Thank you Lois for helping to bring him here. He continues the spirit you gave both him and your daugher. You know, the good stuff!! Babies do not know the grief and troubles that the world bestows on them. We should all be so infantile.
My equine soulmate, Tango, has a fractured hip. Most horses are euthanized for that. But his spirit is so big that he is still thriving, albeit, lame. I will contine the path before me, of breaking ground and treatment and see where we end. It wil all be what the Divine's plan is. We'll just have to wait and see. He is my beacon; the baseline to my heart. In the meantime, I am finally ready and excited to pursue my relatinonship with Beau, my Polish Arabian, and exquisite horse that may just take me places I never dreamed. Again, He has a plan, and I am just trying to follow it.
We've had setbacks beyond imagination, but we, too, are still standing. We do not have control, but choices. We walk on the path we choose. I believe that the Almighty gives us options, and if we stop, and listen, and pay attention to what feels truly right, then we are in sync with what He and the universe planned for us, and we are on our way. There are obstacles, twists and turns, but if we stay true to our hearts, and therefore, the will of God, we find our way. There are hardships, but we get where we need to be and with the least amount of trials if we believe and walk the walk of faith. A lot of life is just getting up, doing the best we can that day, and going to bed. Sounds trivial, but it's a challenge many lose. It's a narrow path, and the ways that are broader are so much easier to follow, but lead to nothing but heartbreak. Stay steadfast ,my friends. Your rewards for good deeds and doing what is right will blow your mind. I, personally, have come so far in my emotional and spiritual life, and am thankful for all the lessons, good and bad, that I've endured. I am still me, in a new land so to speak (cow hampshire) and I still love laughter,wine, song, and life, and all that it holds. I miss many of my friends and family and am sad that so many relationships have fallen by the wayside since my move, but I know that those who love me are there for me, and are true to what is important. We will always be together. God bless y'all. If I don't see you in the future, I'll see you in the pasture!!

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