Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Acclimating and Hope

So, Bob and I apparently have a talent for acclimating. Barn cats. And other things. We had a barn cat that 3 years ago I got a call he needed a home TOMORROW. He had became cage raged, lashing out at anyone trying to feed him, etc. At first I thought, we were just in our new home/life for a month, did I want to take a crazy feline on right away? But, then I thought, that's why I'm here. So we took him. And you know what? It took many months for him to come near us. More for him to rub against us. Even more for us to touch him. But in 3 1/2 years, he was rubbing against our legs, we could pat him anywhere, put stuff on him if he needed it.....he was a Very happy cat and we LOVED him. It was worth the effort. The effort that, at first, we wanted nothing to do with.

Coyotes, fisher cats, who knows what, but, our beloved Milo was missing for two days when my dogs were barking crazy at a coyote on our property. Me on my riding mower could not scare, move, or intimidate him (much to my horror) and here we were, with a cat-less barn.

Tonight there are 3 "feral" type of cats in our barn, hopefully to become our new barn cat family.

Big Meow they told us terrifying stories about. Warned us, wear gloves. Don't look in her eyes. Nasty cat.

So far we've spooned food, filled water, taken the litter in and out, removed a "cat hut bed" and replaced it with a regular round flat bed with no incident. OOOOooooo. Scary cat? Maybe just ignorant people? No judgment here............

Then there's Tapioca & (brave sistah kitty to) Franconia. Long hair PRETTY girls..........Tappy is the balls of the 2. Franky (sorry Bob) is constantly in the shadows, MIA. Maybe that should be her name.Mia.

Either way, we had them in the dog crate they came in. Franky kept crushing the cat hut MIA was in. Mia has confidence issues obviously. No big deal til...

Someone pooped outside the box, near the food, near the cat hut...................the dog crate is small and this effected EVERYTHING. Months in a cage means poop cannot be outside the litter box and near the food/water.

I cleaned the poop etc. and Bob and I set up the new, larger (craigslist God driven story) new cage. Which is perfect. God driven I tell ya!

We set the new cage up, and take the old cage with cats in it, attempting to make the transfer.

Open both doors. Move the food and water. Enticing? The cat's should want this new cage, right? Not.

Bob then starts to do the cat transfer dance by moving the cages close, tipping one, pushing this, pulling that, and eventually the kitty sistahs go into the new cage.


WE feel free.

Not sure about the cats.

But, these cats, once lived off the land, outdoors, all the time. People meant nastiness to them. Something NOT to be trusted. Scary People.

Yet, tonight, they looked RIGHT at us, no fear, just questions. And Big Meow, looked me square in the eyes, ears UP, not flat, and blinked. She blinked. Softly.BIG deal!!!

We see thing we don't like, don't understand, disagree with, makes us uncomfortable, question, and we are hard, and scowling.

No one beats us, thankfully.

We didn't go without food and water and shelter.

But, we scowl. A LOT .....

But, we can realize, we have A LOT to be thankful. Despite all we have to be"miserable" about.How bad is it, really? Think about it...

What if we decide to focus ONLY on the positive?? If we keep pouring into the positive???

Then what?

Does the positive grow? Do things get worse? Spend your time HOPING and what then?

Well, the time you spent was spent on


Not a bad thing....

To be continued.............. :)

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