Monday, March 26, 2012

Catching up

So much time has passed that I can't even believe it. Writing has always been therapeutic for me, and I find myself back in front of my computer, ready to go. But, wow, the shock of how long it has been.
SO many changes in the past year. I had my only son get married to a wonderful girl with a wonderful family. We "lost" our three feral cats, although we are not sure how. Yes, it is a rural area, but it's not Montana with wildlife teeming all over. Our assumption is Big Meow took off, as she really hated being around people, Tabby either followed suit, or was taken by an owl, and Frannie, (this is the one that hurts the most) we just aren't sure about. She was a love, and we miss her. But the reality is they were 3 adult feral cats, and never truly got comfortable around people. Our barn was never truly their home, and that makes me sad. However, one must move on to move forward, and that is what I had to do also.
Not only did my son get married, but he joined the Army and is at basic training now. This makes me equally proud and panicked. It seems the Army was always his calling, but, going through this now as the parent of an only child has me on a bit of a roller coaster ride.
My horses are still the same. The mare was diagnosed with Cushings and has had health challenges, so my riding is limited. My gelding is the same, which is great for a 1298 lb. horse with an old hip fracture that has healed and left him lame!We have 2 new feral cats at our barn, taken in as kittens, that seem to be (also) acclimating well. We did things a bit differently, so fingers crossed for success this time around.
We have 3 dogs, 2 geriatric and one that was a rescue with health issues, and all three are wonderful in their own way. And, I now also have a "grand puppy" that belongs to my son and his wife, and who comes to visit often.
Life is good at Dunroamin. But life has been so full of changes, and loss. I find myself struggling these days with questions about "who I am" and "what is my life about" and "what should I do with my time on earth" to the degree that  I feel I am at a serious and dark crossroad in my life.
This is what led me back to the keyboard at my computer. These are the questions I hope to find answers to, or at least, find peace with, as I begin to search again for their meaning, and mine.